History of device drivers is directly related to the development of hardware and operating system.
The hardware development started with intel 8086 which operates in real mode (a mode in which you have an access to 1 MB of main memory and you have an direct access to all i/o addresses and there is no paging). At this point of time the drivers were in real mode and MS-DOS incorporated a scheme based on the CONFIG.SYS file where end user could load real mode drivers. Here the plug n play features were not available and user has to manually configure his device using a map of i/o instructions.
After it Intel launched 80286 which can operate in protected mode(the mode in which there is virtual memory concept, paging and memory of 4 GB was available) and it can also switch back to real mode by setting a value in control register but it was having many drawbacks in protected mode and also there was no advancement from operating system side and ms dos still worked with real mode device drivers.
The intel 80386 was the leading change in computing history when it removed all the drawbacks of intel 80286 and protected mode functionality is now ease to use but the ms dos still worked with real mode device drivers.
Microsoft launched windows 3.0 to cope up with hardware development which processed application in protected mode with 32-bit virtual addressing. On the driver part
Vxd(virtual device driver) was the new concept was launched but it still used a real mode device driver and cpu has to be switched to real mode to process it.
On the other hand , windows was working with IBM and developed windows NT which used a new kernel based technology which neither used real mode nor protected mode.
Windows 2000 and xp was successor of windows NT and windows 95 and 98 was successor of windows 3.0
Ok here was the problem for the device driver developer , he have to develop driver for windows NT and keep worrying for developing real mode drivers because some users do not want to upgrade from windows 3.0.
So microsoft launched a new technology WDM(WINDOWS DRIVER MODEL) and incorporated it with both windows 3.0 and NT .This can be used by a driver developer and need not to worry for real mode driver because the wdm technology was same on all platforms and just one driver can work on all platforms.
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classification of drivers |
2.Kernel Mode Drivers - Kernel mode drivers are the drivers in which the executing code has complete and unrestricted access to the underlying hardware. It can execute any CPU instruction and reference any memory address because they actually execute in kernel memory.
The Kernel mode drivers are further classified as-
a) File system drivers - A file system driver handles I/O independent of any underlying physical device. File system drivers include drivers for the NTFS and file allocation table (FAT) file systems.
b) Legacy device drivers - Legacy device drivers are kernel-mode drivers that directly control a hardware device without help from other drivers i.e. they doesn't use layered structure .
c) PnP Drivers - Plug and Play drivers provide:
Automatic and dynamic recognition of installed hardware·
Hardware resource allocation (and reallocation)
Loading of appropriate drivers·
An interface for drivers to interact with the PnP system·
Mechanisms for drivers and applications to learn of changes in the hardware environment
To just explain in simple way take an example of your usb drive. As soon as you plug it in , the kernel reads a signature(which gives the information of the drive and is embedded on your drive) . The os finds out a particular driver from registry using this information whereupon it loads it in memory.
This above is a example of pnp driver where there is no need of manually loading a driver. It’s the work of I/O manager while in legacy drivers you have to manually load your driver after plugging it in using add new hardware in windows .
WDM driver - A WDM driver is a PnP driver that actually is developed using WDM specification. provided by microsoft. The specifications actually defines two aspects for wdm .The first aspect defines it core model which describes describes how device drivers are installed and started, and how they should service user requests and interact with hardware. A WDM device driver must fit into the Plug and Play (PnP) system that lets users plug in devices that can be configured in software. The second aspect is series of bus and class drivers for common types of devices provided by microsoft which we can use in our driver to communicate with devices for e.g. if we have to develop a driver to perform some work on usb we can use usb class driver provided by microsoft to access functionality provided by it whereupon reducing work for developer .All versions of Microsoft Windows after Windows 95 have implemented WDM, which has continued to evolve for Windows XP, Windows 2000, and Windows Me. With a few special-case statements in the code, WDM drivers for supported device classes can be source-code compatible across Windows XP/Windows 2000 and Windows 98/Me operating systems. Binary compatibility is possible on processors that are compatible with the Intel Architecture. Achieving a single binary still requires rigorous testing on all versions of all operating systems.
The different WDM drivers are-
Class Drivers – are the drivers which are used to define some common functionality and these drivers are used by other drivers to access there functionality. Microsoft provides its class drivers for e.g. usb class drivers whose functionality can be accessed by the function drivers.
Miniport drivers: These are function drivers for USB, Audio, SCSI and network adapters. They should usually be source and binary compatible between Windows 98 and Windows 2000 and are hardware specific but control access to the hardware through a specific bus class driver(this can be the one provided by microsoft). These miniport drivers actually are defined over the class drivers to access their functionality. A programmar basically builds this driver and place it over class driver.
Monolithic Function Drivers – are the drivers that does not use the layered structure i.e. to communicate with hardware it does not use the bus class driver as compared to miniport drivers instead it directly drives a hardware device.
Filter drivers - Filter drivers are optional drivers that add value to or modify the behavior of a device driver i.e. it’s used to just filter your I/O request to driver below it (for e.g. to check incorrect parameters to usb class driver we can place a filter driver to check for the same and filter out the request). A filter driver service one or more devices. Upper level filter drivers sit above the primary driver for the device (the function driver), while lower level filter drivers sit below the function driver and above the bus driver.
3) Windows Driver Foundation - WDM has been criticized by driver software developers because of the following reasons:-
* WDM has a very steep learning curve.
* Interactions with power management events and plug and play are difficult. This leads to a variety of situations where Windows machines cannot go to sleep or wake up correctly due to bugs in driver code.
* I/O cancellation is almost impossible to get right.
* Thousands of lines of support code are required for every driver.
* No support for writing pure user-mode drivers.
Because of these issues, Microsoft has released a new framework to replace WDM, called the Windows Driver Foundation, which includes Kernel-Mode Driver Framework (KMDF) and User-Mode Driver Framework (UMDF). Windows Vista supports both WDM and the newer Windows Driver Foundation. KMDF is also available for download for Windows XP and even Windows 2000, while UMDF is available for Windows XP and above.
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os/driver interaction |
The application requests windows to access your driver for e.g. reading or writing a certain file in device. Its done by using a api call (here api is of win32 and its being called by application called as win32 api calls). The win 32 subsystem interprets the request and using the system service interface communicates with I/O manager to handle it.
An IRP is actually an I/O REQUEST PACKET that is used to represent a request such as whether it’s a read or write request or pnp request using major function code for e.g. IRP with IRP_MJ_PNP as major function code is used for representing a pnp request and the minor function code as IRP_MN_START_DEVICE will further elaborate the request that it’s a PNP request for starting a device.
The I/O manager issues an I/O REQUEST PACKET short form IRP(identifies your i/o request ) pertaining to the request and passes it to the device driver whereupon its processed by device driver . A device driver may eventually need to actually access its hardware to perform an IRP for the same it uses HAL(HARDWARE ABSTRACTION LAYER) calls . The result is returned back to application.
Layering of devices and drivers in the Windows Driver Model:
The IRP is passed to the upper filter driver and after processing it is passed to the
function driver and then to the lower filter device driver and then finally to the bus
function driver and then to the lower filter device driver and then finally to the bus
Device objects actually represents device at a particular driver layer.
PDO - a physical device object represents device at the lowest layer and also
representing your physical device.
representing your physical device.
FDO - a function device object at function driver layer and is used by function
drivers to manage device functionality
drivers to manage device functionality
FiDO - a filter device object used by WDM filter drivers to store information
about hardware
about hardware
The IRP after processed by the bus driver is returned back in the same order.
A Plug and Play device has an electronic signature that the system can detect. For
Plug and Play devices, a system bus driver detects the existence of the hardware(when
it's plugged) and reads this signature to determine what kind of hardware it is.
Thereafter, an automatic process based on reading the registry or locating the INF files
allows the system to find the correct driver for this device and then loading it.
Plug and Play devices, a system bus driver detects the existence of the hardware(when
it's plugged) and reads this signature to determine what kind of hardware it is.
Thereafter, an automatic process based on reading the registry or locating the INF files
allows the system to find the correct driver for this device and then loading it.
Here are the steps explaining the whole procedure:
step 1 : When a bus driver detects the insertion or removal of hardware, it calls IoInvalidateDeviceRelations to notify the PnP Manager that new physical device
has been plugged and create a PDO relevant to it.
has been plugged and create a PDO relevant to it.
step 2: the pnp manager as a result of step 1, has to update the list of physical device
object by retrieving its information from bus driver, for this it sends an IRP with major
function code IRP_MJ_PNP and minor function code IRP_MN_QUERY_DEVICE_
RELATIONS to bus driver. (major and minor functions codes are used to identify
the type of request ,here it’s a IRP_MJ_PNP request as a major function code to
identify it’s a request for plug and play manager and the minor function code IRP_MN_QUERY_DEVICE_RELATIONS further identifies this request as it is
requesting for information of newly updated physical device represented by PDO )
object by retrieving its information from bus driver, for this it sends an IRP with major
function code IRP_MJ_PNP and minor function code IRP_MN_QUERY_DEVICE_
RELATIONS to bus driver. (major and minor functions codes are used to identify
the type of request ,here it’s a IRP_MJ_PNP request as a major function code to
identify it’s a request for plug and play manager and the minor function code IRP_MN_QUERY_DEVICE_RELATIONS further identifies this request as it is
requesting for information of newly updated physical device represented by PDO )
Step 3: In response to the bus relations query, the bus driver returns the information to
the pnp manger..
the pnp manger..
Step 4: the pnp manager using the information send by bus driver searches registry or
locates inf file for installing device driver.
locates inf file for installing device driver.
Step 5: after loading of driver the pnp manager calls addevice to initialize your device.
Step 6: thereafter the pnp manager configures your driver and start your driver by
sending an IRP with IRP_MJ_PNP(major function code) to your driver with the
minor function code IRP_MN_START_DEVICE.
sending an IRP with IRP_MJ_PNP(major function code) to your driver with the
minor function code IRP_MN_START_DEVICE.
Interrupt Request Level:
The OS assigns an interrupt request level to each hardware interrupt and to a
few software events. The processor actually executes at a particular interrupt
request level. When an interrupt occurs, the kernel raises the IRQL on the
interrupting CPU to the level associated with that interrupt . The different
levels with their assigned priority is shoen below.
few software events. The processor actually executes at a particular interrupt
request level. When an interrupt occurs, the kernel raises the IRQL on the
interrupting CPU to the level associated with that interrupt . The different
levels with their assigned priority is shoen below.
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Interrupt request level |
The activity of processing an interrupt is only to process an interrupt at a higher
IRQL but never to process an interrupt at the same or a lower IRQL. To make
it more clear suppose a thread is executing at PASSIVE_LEVEL and an another
thread wants to interrupt it so this can be only done if the thread that is generating
an interrupt is at higher level than PASSIVE_ LEVEL like APC_LEVEL or
IRQL but never to process an interrupt at the same or a lower IRQL. To make
it more clear suppose a thread is executing at PASSIVE_LEVEL and an another
thread wants to interrupt it so this can be only done if the thread that is generating
an interrupt is at higher level than PASSIVE_ LEVEL like APC_LEVEL or
Significance of DISPATCH_LEVEL:
Code executing at or above DISPATCH_LEVEL must not cause page faults. i.e. code or thread executing at DISPATCH_LEVEL OR above it needs to be in non-paged memory.
To summarize, drivers are normally concerned with three interrupt request levels:
- PASSIVE_LEVEL, at which many dispatch routines and a few special routines execute
- DISPATCH_LEVEL, at which StartIo and DPC routines execute
- DIRQL, at which an interrupt service routine executes
Spin Locks:
To synchronize access to shared data in multiprocessor environment spin locks are
used. In multiprocessor environment when many cpus try to access the shared data
can create problems as more than one cpu may simultaneously access the shared
data. To avoid this we use spin locks , a processor can have access to shared data
only if it has acquired the spin lock for it and the other cpu has to wait.
used. In multiprocessor environment when many cpus try to access the shared data
can create problems as more than one cpu may simultaneously access the shared
data. To avoid this we use spin locks , a processor can have access to shared data
only if it has acquired the spin lock for it and the other cpu has to wait.
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mechanism for spin locks |
The image above explains mechanism for spin locks .Cpu A acquires the spin lock
at time t1 using the test and set mechanism . In test and set mechanism the cpu tests
on a variable whether its free or not , if its free it sets the variable and acquires the
spin lock. Now at time t2 cpu B tries to acquire spin lock using test and set
mechanism , it tests for the variable and as it is set by cpu A it waits for it in a loop
i.e it tests it again and again until it founds the variable free i.e. it spins between time
interval of t2 and t3 and that’s why its called spin lock. Cpu A release the spin lock
at t3 whereupon the cpu B gets access to the shared variable.
at time t1 using the test and set mechanism . In test and set mechanism the cpu tests
on a variable whether its free or not , if its free it sets the variable and acquires the
spin lock. Now at time t2 cpu B tries to acquire spin lock using test and set
mechanism , it tests for the variable and as it is set by cpu A it waits for it in a loop
i.e it tests it again and again until it founds the variable free i.e. it spins between time
interval of t2 and t3 and that’s why its called spin lock. Cpu A release the spin lock
at t3 whereupon the cpu B gets access to the shared variable.
Spin lock are acquired at DISPATCH_LEVEL that means code acquiring the spin
lock needs to be in non paged memory i.e. your shared data needs to be in non
paged memory.
lock needs to be in non paged memory i.e. your shared data needs to be in non
paged memory.
WDM Driver Data Structures
This section introduces the data structures used in Windows drivers as well as how
they are linked together to create a larger structure, which in turn provides a lot of
functionality for device drivers. It is critical during initial driver routines that these
structures are allocated, linked together, and accessed properly to avoid crashing
the system (null pointers, malformed linked lists, etc).
they are linked together to create a larger structure, which in turn provides a lot of
functionality for device drivers. It is critical during initial driver routines that these
structures are allocated, linked together, and accessed properly to avoid crashing
the system (null pointers, malformed linked lists, etc).
Driver and Device Objects
Driver Objects: The I/O manager uses a DRIVER_OBJECT structure to represent each device driver.
The structure is partially opaque i.e. in above image there are two fields, one
with grey background and other with white background. The grey background
field can’t be accessed directly and you can change these fields while the fields
with white background can be accessed directly and can be modified , it’s just
like private(grey background) and public members(white background).
with grey background and other with white background. The grey background
field can’t be accessed directly and you can change these fields while the fields
with white background can be accessed directly and can be modified , it’s just
like private(grey background) and public members(white background).
Device object(PDEVICE_OBJECT): points to your device which is to be
handled by this driver .
handled by this driver .
PDEVICE_OBJECT actually specifies type name of this field , that it’s a
pointer to a device object similarly you can understand for other type fields.
pointer to a device object similarly you can understand for other type fields.
Driver extension(PDRIVER_EXTENSION): points to the add device routine
and other initialization of your driver which is needed for creating device objects
for your driver i.e. it is used by plug n play manager to load your device and
creating it’s device object when it’s plugged.
and other initialization of your driver which is needed for creating device objects
for your driver i.e. it is used by plug n play manager to load your device and
creating it’s device object when it’s plugged.
The basic responsibility of AddDevice in a function driver is to create a device object
and link it to the lower device object of this current device object( this is how stack
is created). The steps involved are as follows:
and link it to the lower device object of this current device object( this is how stack
is created). The steps involved are as follows:
1. Call IoCreateDevice to create a device object and an instance of your own
device extension object.
device extension object.
2. Register one or more device interfaces so that applications know about the
existence of your device. Alternatively, give the device object a name and then
create a symbolic link.
existence of your device. Alternatively, give the device object a name and then
create a symbolic link.
3. Next initialize your device extension and the Flags member of the device object.
4. Call IoAttachDeviceToDeviceStack to put your new device object into the stack.
HardwareDatabase (PUNICODE_STRING) describes a string that names a hardware
database registry key for the device. This is a name like \Registry\Machine\Hardware\
Description\System and names the registry key within which resource allocation
information resides. WDM drivers have no need to access the information below this
key because the PnP Manager performs resource allocation automatically. The name
is stored in Unicode. (In fact, all kernel-mode string data uses Unicode.)
database registry key for the device. This is a name like \Registry\Machine\Hardware\
Description\System and names the registry key within which resource allocation
information resides. WDM drivers have no need to access the information below this
key because the PnP Manager performs resource allocation automatically. The name
is stored in Unicode. (In fact, all kernel-mode string data uses Unicode.)
DriverInit(PDRIVER_INIT): points to your init routine of your driver.
DriverStartIo (PDRIVER_STARTIO) :points to a function in your driver that
processes I/O requests that the I/O Manager has serialized for you.
processes I/O requests that the I/O Manager has serialized for you.
FastIoDispatch (PFAST_IO_DISPATCH): points to a table of function pointers
that file system and network drivers export..
that file system and network drivers export..
DriverStartIo (PDRIVER_STARTIO): points to your start io routine of your driver.
DriverUnload(PDRIVER_UNLOAD): points to your unload routine for unloading
your driver.
your driver.
MajorFunction (array of PDRIVER_DISPATCH): is a table of pointers to
functions in your driver that handle each of the roughly two dozen types of
I/O requests. For e.g. for an IRP with major function code such as
IRP_MJ_READ it will contain a pointer to a dispatch read routine(which will
process it) and similar other IRP’s with other routines.
functions in your driver that handle each of the roughly two dozen types of
I/O requests. For e.g. for an IRP with major function code such as
IRP_MJ_READ it will contain a pointer to a dispatch read routine(which will
process it) and similar other IRP’s with other routines.
Device object: points to your device and store information about it.
![]() |
device object |
NextDevice (PDEVICE_OBJECT): points to the next device object that belongs
to the same driver as this one(for e.g. more then one usb drives will actually need
only one driver to process it so we will use this nextdevice field of one usb drive
to point to the other usb drive which will also be processed by the driver of the current
usb drive). This field is the one that links device objects together starting from the driver
object’s DeviceObject member.
CurrentIrp (PIRP): is used by the Microsoft IRP queuing routines StartPacket and
StartNextPacket to record the IRP most recently sent to your StartIo routine.
Flags (ULONG): contains a collection of flag bits(actually used to convey some type
of information ). Table 2-2 lists the bits that are accessible to driver writers.
(ULONG : Unsigned 32-bit integer)
Table 2-2. Flags in a DEVICE_OBJECT Data Structure
| |
Reads and writes use the buffered method
(system copy buffer) for accessing user-mode data. |
Only one thread at a time is allowed to open
a handle. |
Reads and writes use the direct method (memory
descriptor list) for accessing user-mode data. |
Device object isn’t initialized yet.
IRP_MJ_PNP must be handled at PASSIVE_LEVEL.
Device requires large inrush of current during power-on
Characteristics (ULONG): is another collection of flag bits describing various
optional characteristics of the device. (See Table 2-3.) The I/O Manager
initializes these flags based on an argument
to IoCreateDevice(used to create device object related to driver).
Filter drivers propagate some of them upward in the device stack.
optional characteristics of the device. (See Table 2-3.) The I/O Manager
initializes these flags based on an argument
to IoCreateDevice(used to create device object related to driver).
Filter drivers propagate some of them upward in the device stack.
Media can be removed from device.
Media can only be read, not written.
Device is a floppy disk drive.
Media can be written once.
Device accessible through network
connection. |
Physical media is present in device.
This is a virtual volume.
I/O Manager should automatically
generate a name for this device. |
Force security check during open.
DeviceExtension (PVOID): points to a data structure you define that will hold per
-instance information about the device.(PVOID :Generic pointers)
-instance information about the device.(PVOID :Generic pointers)
The I/O Manager allocates space for the structure, but its name and contents
are entirely up to you. A common convention is to declare a structure with the type name DEVICE_EXTENSION.
To access it given a pointer (for example, fdo) to the
device object, use a statement like this one:
are entirely up to you. A common convention is to declare a structure with the type name DEVICE_EXTENSION.
To access it given a pointer (for example, fdo) to the
device object, use a statement like this one:
(PDEVICE_EXTENSION) fdo->DeviceExtension;// note this statement we will use
//to access
//the driver extension of current driver.
//to access
//the driver extension of current driver.
DeviceType (DEVICE_TYPE): is an enumeration constant describing what type of
device this is. The I/O Manager initializes this member based on an argument to
device this is. The I/O Manager initializes this member based on an argument to
StackSize (CHAR): counts the number of device objects starting from this one
and descending all the way to the PDO (i.e. counting the device objects in driver
layers .Refer diagram of driver layers and see the FiDO, FDO, PDO and we
have to count all of them down the stack). The purpose of this field is to inform
interested parties regarding how many stack locations should be created for an
IRP that will be sent first to this device’s driver.
and descending all the way to the PDO (i.e. counting the device objects in driver
layers .Refer diagram of driver layers and see the FiDO, FDO, PDO and we
have to count all of them down the stack). The purpose of this field is to inform
interested parties regarding how many stack locations should be created for an
IRP that will be sent first to this device’s driver.
AlignmentRequirement (ULONG):specifies the required alignment for data
buffers used in read or write requests to this device.
buffers used in read or write requests to this device.
See how the device object maintains a queue and driver object relates to device object.
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Working with Spin Locks :
To use a spin lock explicitly, allocate storage for a KSPIN_LOCK object in nonpaged
memory. Then call KeInitializeSpinLock to initialize the object. Later, while running at or
below DISPATCH_LEVEL, acquire the lock, perform the work that needs to be
protected from interference, and then release the lock. For example, suppose your
device extension contains a spin lock named QLock that you use for guarding access
to a special IRP queue you’ve set up. You’ll initialize this lock in your AddDevice function:
memory. Then call KeInitializeSpinLock to initialize the object. Later, while running at or
below DISPATCH_LEVEL, acquire the lock, perform the work that needs to be
protected from interference, and then release the lock. For example, suppose your
device extension contains a spin lock named QLock that you use for guarding access
to a special IRP queue you’ve set up. You’ll initialize this lock in your AddDevice function:
typedef struct _DEVICE_EXTENSION {
KSPIN_LOCK QLock;//definition of spin lock in device extension
NTSTATUS AddDevice(...)
KeInitializeSpinLock(&pdx->QLock);//this function initializes
//the spin lock for our device.
//the spin lock for our device.
Having defining the spin lock we can acquire it for the shared data using KeAcquireSpinLock
andafter working with it we release it using KeReleaseSpinLock.
andafter working with it we release it using KeReleaseSpinLock.
NTSTATUS DispatchSomething(...)
KIRQL oldirql;
KeAcquireSpinLock(&pdx->QLock, &oldirql);
//the code between these two functions is the shared data for
//which spin lock has to be acquired
//which spin lock has to be acquired
KeReleaseSpinLock(&pdx->QLock, oldirql);
1.When KeAcquireSpinLock acquires the spin lock, it also raises IRQL to
DISPATCH_LEVEL and returns the current (that is, preacquisition) level in the
variable to which the second argument points.
2.When KeReleaseSpinLock releases the spin lock, it also lowers IRQL back to
the value specified in the second argument
Why device driver is an aspect of kernel programming?
It is because it uses kernel routines for e.g. it will use Memory Manager (prefix Mm)
component of windows to manage memory (prefix Mm means the name of the routine
of this component will start with Mm) and similarly the executive (prefix Ex) component
of windows supplies heap management and synchronization routines which we can use
in our device drivers and to use any routine of executive and it will be having prefix Ex
for e.g. like ExAllocatePool routine with prefix Ex defines it is a part of executive
component. Here are components of windows that we use:
1.The I/O Manager (prefix Io) contains many service functions that drivers use.
2.The Process Structure module (prefix Ps) creates and manages kernel-mode threads.
An ordinary WDM driver might use an independent thread to repeatedly poll a device
incapable of generating interrupts, and for other purposes.
3.The Memory Manager (prefix Mm) controls the page tables that define the mapping
of virtual addresses onto physical memory.
4.The executive (prefix Ex) supplies heap management and synchronization services.
5.The Object Manager (prefix Ob) provides centralized control over the many data
objects with which Windows XP works. WDM drivers rely on the Object Manager
for keeping a reference count that prevents an object from disappearing while someone
is still using it and to convert object handles to pointers to the objects the handles represent.
6.The Security Reference Monitor (prefix Se) allows file system drivers to perform security
7.The so-called run-time library component (prefix Rtl) contains utility routines, such as list
and string-management routines, that kernel-mode drivers can use instead of regular ANSI
-standard library routines such as RtlInitUnicodeString() routine. For the most part, the
operation of these functions is obvious from their names, and you would pretty much know
how to use them in a program if you just were aware of them.
8.Windows XP implements the native API for kernel-mode callers using routine names that
begin with the prefix Zw. The DDK documents just a few of the ZwXxx functions, namely
the ones that pertain to registry and file access.
9.The Windows XP kernel (prefix Ke) is where all the low-level synchronization of activities
between threads and processors occurs
Basic components of WDM driver:-
A driver can be considered as a container for a collection of subroutines that the operating system calls to perform various operations that relate to your hardware. These routines can be broadly classified into three categories namely Basic Driver Routines , I/O Control Routines and Dispatch Routine.
How operating system calls subroutines of driver:
1. The user plugs in your device, so the system loads your driver executable into virtual
memory and calls your DriverEntry routine. DriverEntry does a few things and returns.
memory and calls your DriverEntry routine. DriverEntry does a few things and returns.
2. The Plug and Play Manager (PnP Manager) calls your AddDevice routine, which does
a few things and returns.
a few things and returns.
3. The PnP Manager sends you a few IRPs. Your dispatch function processes each IRP in
turn and returns.
turn and returns.
4. An application opens a handle to your device, whereupon the system sends you another
IRP. Your dispatch routine does a little work and returns.
IRP. Your dispatch routine does a little work and returns.
5. The application tries to read some data, whereupon the system sends you an IRP. Your
dispatch routine puts the IRP in a queue and returns.
dispatch routine puts the IRP in a queue and returns.
6. A previous I/O operation finishes by signaling a hardware interrupt to which your driver is
connected. Your interrupt routine does a little bit of work, schedules a DPC , and returns.
connected. Your interrupt routine does a little bit of work, schedules a DPC , and returns.
7. Your DPC routine runs. Among other things, it removes the IRP you queued at step 5 , send
it to your driver and programs your hardware to read the data. Then the DPC routine returns
to the system.
it to your driver and programs your hardware to read the data. Then the DPC routine returns
to the system.
8. Time passes, during which the system makes many other brief calls into your subroutines.
9. Eventually, the end user unplugs your device. The PnP Manager sends you some IRPs, which
you process and return. The operating system calls your DriverUnload routine, which usually
just does a tiny amount of work and returns. Then the system removes your driver code from
virtual memory.
you process and return. The operating system calls your DriverUnload routine, which usually
just does a tiny amount of work and returns. Then the system removes your driver code from
virtual memory.
Basic Driver Routine-
Driver Entry Routine - Every WDM driver, regardless of its purpose, has to expose
a routine whose name is DriverEntry. This is the routine called when pnp manager loads
your driver for the first device object.This routine is used for global initialization of your
driver by initializing various driver data structures and prepares the environment for all the
other driver components.
a routine whose name is DriverEntry. This is the routine called when pnp manager loads
your driver for the first device object.This routine is used for global initialization of your
driver by initializing various driver data structures and prepares the environment for all the
other driver components.
Syntax of DriverEntry routine:
extern "C" NTSTATUS DriverEntry(IN PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject,
IN parameter, you’re supposed to infer that it’s purely input to your function.
The first argument to DriverEntry is a pointer to a barely initialized driver
object that represents your driver.
The first argument to DriverEntry is a pointer to a barely initialized driver
object that represents your driver.
The second argument to DriverEntry is the name of the service key in the registry
that means this key in your registry stores information about your driver service like
its name , path of files etc.
that means this key in your registry stores information about your driver service like
its name , path of files etc.
A WDM driver’s main job in DriverEntry is to fill in the various function pointers in
the driver object. These pointers indicate to the operating system where to find the
subroutines you’ve decided to place in your driver container. They include these pointer
members of the driver object:
the driver object. These pointers indicate to the operating system where to find the
subroutines you’ve decided to place in your driver container. They include these pointer
members of the driver object:
- DriverUnload
Set this to point to whatever cleanup routine you create. The I/O Manager will
call this routine just prior to unloading the driver. If there’s nothing to clean up,
you need to have a DriverUnload function for the system to be able to unload
your driver dynamically.
call this routine just prior to unloading the driver. If there’s nothing to clean up,
you need to have a DriverUnload function for the system to be able to unload
your driver dynamically.
- DriverExtension->AddDevice
Set this to point to your AddDevice function. The PnP Manager will call AddDevice
once for each hardware instance you’re responsible for.
once for each hardware instance you’re responsible for.
- DriverStartIo
If your driver uses the standard method of queuing I/O requests, you’ll set this
member of the driver object to point to your StartIo routine. It is discussed
about queuing I/O requests in IRP processing.
member of the driver object to point to your StartIo routine. It is discussed
about queuing I/O requests in IRP processing.
- MajorFunction
The I/O Manager initializes various IRP requests based upon their major
function codes to point to dispatch function that will serve this request.
function codes to point to dispatch function that will serve this request.
For e.g. this statement in driver entry routine
DriverObject->MajorFunction[IRP_MJ_PNP] = DispatchPnp;
Will initialize the IRP with major function code IRP_MJ_PNP to be
processed by a dispatch routine named DispatchPnp.
processed by a dispatch routine named DispatchPnp.
Here is the driver entry routine defined in init.cpp module:
// init.cpp:Driver initialization code
//DriverEntryInitialization entry point
//Wdm1UnloadUnload driver routine
// Version history
#include “wdm1.h” //including header file which contains the definition of functions and
//definition of driver extension which we have included here.
//definition of driver extension which we have included here.
#pragma code_seg(”INIT”) // we have to assign our code and data in paged pool or non paged
//pool. We use pragma code_seg(“INIT”) to define the code “INIT" in paged pool and the code is
//starting after this definition and ending till another #pragma code_seg() definiton.
//pool. We use pragma code_seg(“INIT”) to define the code “INIT" in paged pool and the code is
//starting after this definition and ending till another #pragma code_seg() definiton.
// DriverEntry;
// This function initializes the driver, and creates
// any object needed to process I/O requests.
// Pointer to the driver object
// registry path string for driver service key
// Return Value;
// This function returns STATUS_XXX , it is discussed in add driver routine..
extern “C”
NTSTATUS DriverEntry( IN PRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject,
#if DBG//a driver is build using check or free build . DBG is used how we want to build our
//driver (checked or build).
//driver (checked or build).
DebugPrintInit(“Wdm1 checked”);
DebugPrintInit(“Wdm1 free”);
DebugPrint(“RegistryPath is %T”, RegistryPath);
// Export other driver entry points...
DriverObject->DriverExtension->AddDevice=Wdm1AddDevice;//initializing the add device
//routine as Wdm1AddDevice and storing its pointer at
//routine as Wdm1AddDevice and storing its pointer at
DriverObject->DriverUnload=Wdm1Unload;//initializing the unload routine.
DriverObject->MajorFunction[IRP_MJ_CREATE]=Wdm1Create;//this will initialize an IRP
//with major function code[IRP_MJ_CREATE] to be processed by Wdm1Create routine.
//with major function code[IRP_MJ_CREATE] to be processed by Wdm1Create routine.
//Initialise spin lock with protects acess to shared memory buffer. Spin locks are used to avoid
//various synchronization problems and other problems caused when many processors tries to
//access same variable.
//various synchronization problems and other problems caused when many processors tries to
//access same variable.
DebugPrintMsg(“DriverEntry completed”);//its just like your printf(“”) in c and is used to print
//messages on kernel.
return status;//return status whether the code completed with success or error.
#pragma code_seg() //end INIT section
//unload the driver by removing any remaining objects, etc.
//pointer to the driver object//
//return value:
#pragma code_seg(“PAGE”) // start PAGE section
VOID Wdm1Unload(IN PDRIVER-OBJECT DriverObject)
//free buffer(do not need to acquire spin lock)
ExFreePool(Buffer);// ExFreePool(Buffer) is used to free the memory occupied by buffer and
// similiarly for occupying the memory we use ExAllocatePool() or ExAllocatePoolWithTag().
#pragma code_seg() // end PAGE section
The Add Device Routine:
The adddevice routine is basically used to initialize every device associated with
your device driver. The DriverEntry routine is basically used to globally initialize your
driver and each time a device relating to this driver is plugged the PNP manager calls
your AddDevice routine to initialize your device.
The function has the following skeleton:
The adddevice routine is basically used to initialize every device associated with
your device driver. The DriverEntry routine is basically used to globally initialize your
driver and each time a device relating to this driver is plugged the PNP manager calls
your AddDevice routine to initialize your device.
The function has the following skeleton:
The DriverObject argument points to the same driver object that you initialized
in your DriverEntry routine. The pdo argument is the address of the physical device
object at the bottom of the device stack.
in your DriverEntry routine. The pdo argument is the address of the physical device
object at the bottom of the device stack.
The basic responsibility of AddDevice in a function driver is to create a device
object and link it into the stack rooted in this PDO.
The steps involved are as follows:
object and link it into the stack rooted in this PDO.
The steps involved are as follows:
- Call IoCreateDevice to create a device object and an instance of your own device extension object.
- Register one or more device interfaces so that applications know about the existence of your device. Alternatively, give the device object a name and then create a symbolic link.
- Next initialize your device extension and the Flags member of the device object.
- Call IoAttachDeviceToDeviceStack to put your new device object into the stack.
Creating a Device Object
You create a device object by calling IoCreateDevice.
For example:
NTSTATUS status = IoCreateDevice(DriverObject,
The first argument DriverObject establishes the connection between your driver
and the new device object, thereby allowing the I/O Manager to send you IRPs
intended for the device.
and the new device object, thereby allowing the I/O Manager to send you IRPs
intended for the device.
The second argument is the size of your device extension structure.
The third argument, which is NULL in this example, can be the address of a
UNICODE_STRING providing a name for the device object.
UNICODE_STRING providing a name for the device object.
The fourth argument (FILE_DEVICE_UNKNOWN) is one of the device
types defined in WDM.H
types defined in WDM.H
The fifth argument (FILE_DEVICE_SECURE_OPEN) provides the
Characteristics flag for the device object.
Characteristics flag for the device object.
The sixth argument to IoCreateDevice (FALSE in my example) indicates
whether the device is exclusive. The I/O Manager allows only one handle to be
opened by normal means to an exclusive device.
whether the device is exclusive. The I/O Manager allows only one handle to be
opened by normal means to an exclusive device.
The last argument (&fdo) points to a location where IoCreateDevice will store
the address of the device object it creates.
the address of the device object it creates.
How to check IoCreateDevice for an error whether it has successfully created
a device or not.
a device or not.
For this we use a NTSTATUS code.
An NTSTATUS code actually stores certain status codes returned by a function
indicating it has completed successfully or some type of error has occurred.
indicating it has completed successfully or some type of error has occurred.
The format for it is like:
NTSTATUS status = IoCreateDevice(...); //general syntax of NTSTATUS code
//status stores the status code.
Here are certain status codes :
STATUS_SUCCESS //indicates that function completed successfully.
STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER //indicating an error has occurred relating to invalid
There are other certain status codes each identifying a particular error as shown below:
Now we can check for error by using the value of status.
if (!NT_SUCCESS(status))// NT_SUCCESS(status) returns true if it completes successfully
return status;
if (<some other error discovered>)
return status;
NT_SUCCESS macro is actually used to check whether the function completed without error. The second function of add device routine is to name your device so that an application can access it. The earlier version used naming your device and then creating a symbolic link which can be used by application to access it. For e.g. c:\ is a symbolic name for your hard disk partition 1(device) and this will be pointing to your
device as Device\HardDiskVolume1(name of your device).
The application will actually access your device using symbolic name c:\ but
this scheme has drawbacks. So we use a new technique of naming a device called
interfaces. We actually register an interface with a device which creates a
symbolic name for it. It does it by using GUID. GUID is a 128 –bit value which
is generated by running tools like UUIDGEN or GUIDGEN. Just run GUIDGEN and it
will generate a 128 –bit value for your device which we can use in our
interface. We use this 128- bit generated GUID with the help of DEFINE_GUID
macro , assigns a better mnemonic for this value and place it in our header
file to say “ guids.h”.
For e.g.
// {CAF53C68-A94C-11d2-BB4A-00C04FA330A6} is generated GUID by GUIDGEN
//we will use it by using DEFINE_GUID macro.
0xcaf53c68, 0xa94c, 0x11d2, 0xbb, 0x4a, 0x0, 0xc0, 0x4f,
0xa3, 0x30, 0xa6);
// name can be replaced by GUID_DEVINTERFACE_SIMPLE
//Now we can define our interface using this GUID.
0xcaf53c68, 0xa94c, 0x11d2, 0xbb, 0x4a, 0x0, 0xc0, 0x4f,
0xa3, 0x30, 0xa6);
// name can be replaced by GUID_DEVINTERFACE_SIMPLE
//Now we can define our interface using this GUID.
#include "guids.h" //the header file containing the DEFINE_GUID or
NTSTATUS AddDevice(...)
IoRegisterDeviceInterface(pdo, &GUID_DEVINTERFACE_SIMPLE,
NULL, &pdx->ifname); }
IoRegisterDeviceInterface registers your interface . The first parameter is pdo
representing your physical device object , and GUID_DEVINTERFACE_SIMPLE
is for GUID as represented by this mnemonic , the third parameter additional qualified
names that further subdivide your interface. The last argument is the address of a
UNICODE_STRING structure that will receive the name of a symbolic link that
resolves to this device object( the address of this symbolic name is in device extension
structure's field "ifname"so we access it as pdx ->ifname).
IoRegisterDeviceInterface registers your interface . The first parameter is pdo
representing your physical device object , and GUID_DEVINTERFACE_SIMPLE
is for GUID as represented by this mnemonic , the third parameter additional qualified
names that further subdivide your interface. The last argument is the address of a
UNICODE_STRING structure that will receive the name of a symbolic link that
resolves to this device object( the address of this symbolic name is in device extension
structure's field "ifname"so we access it as pdx ->ifname).
The return value from IoRegisterDeviceInterface is a Unicode string that applications
will be able to determine without knowing anything special about how you coded your
driver and will then be able to use in opening a handle to the device. The name is pretty
ugly, by the way; here’s an example . \\?\ROOT#UNKNOWN#0000#{b544b9a2-6995-11d3-81b5-00c04fa330a6}..
will be able to determine without knowing anything special about how you coded your
driver and will then be able to use in opening a handle to the device. The name is pretty
ugly, by the way; here’s an example . \\?\ROOT#UNKNOWN#0000#{b544b9a2-6995-11d3-81b5-00c04fa330a6}..
The third task is to initialize the device extension structure. To initialize the device
extension structure we should know what is a device extension structure.
extension structure we should know what is a device extension structure.
It has the following syntax.
typedef struct _DEVICE_EXTENSION {
PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject;// points to related device
PDEVICE_OBJECT LowerDeviceObject; //address for lower device object
//attached to this device (recall device and driver layers)
//attached to this device (recall device and driver layers)
PDEVICE_OBJECT Pdo;// points to the physical device (lowest in stack)
UNICODE_STRING ifname;//here we store the symbolic name for our
//driver(as we have done in interface)
//driver(as we have done in interface)
IO_REMOVE_LOCK RemoveLock;// this is used to decide when it is safe to
//remove the device object
//remove the device object
DEVSTATE devstate; // for remembering
DEVSTATE prevstate; // certain
DEVICE_POWER_STATE devpower; // power and device
SYSTEM_POWER_STATE syspower; //states.
DEVICE_CAPABILITIES devcaps;//stores certain capabilities of a certain
//device as initialized by pnp manger
so it's pretty clear what a device extension structure actually contains.
Here is how to initialize the value of these fields:
NTSTATUS AddDevice(...)
IoCreateDevice(..., sizeof(DEVICE_EXTENSION), ..., &fdo);
//getting access to device extension using fdo which is passed in parameter.
//getting access to device extension using fdo which is passed in parameter.
pdx->DeviceObject = fdo;// initializing the first field with device
pdx->Pdo = pdo;//initializing the pdo
IoInitializeRemoveLock(&pdx->RemoveLock, ...);//function is used to
//initialize the removelcok field
//initialize the removelcok field
pdx->devstate = STOPPED;//setting device state as stopped
pdx->devpower = PowerDeviceD0;//setting the state of device power
pdx->syspower = PowerSystemWorking;
IoRegisterDeviceInterface(..., &pdx->ifname);//storing the symbolic name
pdx->LowerDeviceObject = IoAttachDeviceToDeviceStack(...);//attaching it to
//the lower device object.
//the lower device object.
The fourth task of add device routine is of attaching it to the lower device object
and building the stack. For this we use IoAttachDeviceToDeviceStack and pass
the current device object and PDO and in turn it returns the address of lower
device object which is just below this one.
and building the stack. For this we use IoAttachDeviceToDeviceStack and pass
the current device object and PDO and in turn it returns the address of lower
device object which is just below this one.
IoCreateDevice(..., &fdo);
pdx->LowerDeviceObject = IoAttachDeviceToDeviceStack(fdo, pdo);
Now putting all the above pieces together :
#define INITGUID // containing your GUID definition.
#include “wdm1.h”
#pragma code_seg(“PAGE”) // start page section
//cope with a new pnp device being added here usually just attach to the top of driver stack
//do not talk to device here
// arguments:
//pointers to driver object
//pointer to physical device object
//return value:
NTSTATUS status;
//create our functional device object in fdo
Status = IoCreateDevice(DriverObject, Sizeof(WDM1_DEVICE-EXTENSION);
NULL ,// no name
Return status;
//remember fdo in our device extension
DebugPrint(“FDO is %x”, fdo);
// register and enable our device interface
Status = IoRegisterDeviceInterface(pdo,&WDM1_GUID,NULL,&dx->ifSymLinkName);
Return status;
IoSetDeviceInterfaceState(&dx->ifSymLinkName);// starting the interface
DebugPrint(“symbolic link name is %t”, &dx-> ifSysLinkName);
//attach to the driver stack below us
dx->NextStackDevice = IoAttachDeviceToDeviceStack(fdo,pdo);
//Set fdo flags apporiately
fdo->Flags &= DO_DEVICE_INITIALIZING;// initializing the flags
fdo->Flags = DO_BUFFERED_IO;
I/O Control Routine-
The StartIo routine – The driver StartIo field points to this routine. I/O
Manager calls the StartIo routine to process one IRP at a time and mark it
as busy thereafter if any IRP arrives it is placed in queue i.e. it is used in queuing
IRP. The StartIo routine needs to access hardware registers that are also used
by the interrupt service routine (ISR) and, perhaps by other routines in the driver.
The OnInterrupt routine - It is an interrupt service routine (ISR) and is used to
process an interrupt. Suppose when device finishes processing IRP it will generate
a interrupt that its now free and send it any more queued IRP .This interrupt will be
serviced by ISR which is registered to this interrupt using OnInterrupt routine.
The DpcForlsr routine - This ISR also registers a DPC(DEFFERED
PROCEDURE CALL) routine with it using DpcforIsr routine. This DPC routine
actually is responsible for finishing the current IRP that caused interrupt thereafter
dequeueing the next IRP and sending it to the startio routine.
Dispatch Routine- A Dispatch routine is actually used to process an IRP based
upon driver entry routine. We have registered this routines in our driver entry routine with
certain MAJOR FUNCTION code.Every IRP with a major function code will point to a
certain dispatch routine. The dispatch routine processes the IRP and may pass it to the
lower driver. If not needed it may queue it for later processing.
The StartIo routine – The driver StartIo field points to this routine. I/O
Manager calls the StartIo routine to process one IRP at a time and mark it
as busy thereafter if any IRP arrives it is placed in queue i.e. it is used in queuing
IRP. The StartIo routine needs to access hardware registers that are also used
by the interrupt service routine (ISR) and, perhaps by other routines in the driver.
The OnInterrupt routine - It is an interrupt service routine (ISR) and is used to
process an interrupt. Suppose when device finishes processing IRP it will generate
a interrupt that its now free and send it any more queued IRP .This interrupt will be
serviced by ISR which is registered to this interrupt using OnInterrupt routine.
The DpcForlsr routine - This ISR also registers a DPC(DEFFERED
PROCEDURE CALL) routine with it using DpcforIsr routine. This DPC routine
actually is responsible for finishing the current IRP that caused interrupt thereafter
dequeueing the next IRP and sending it to the startio routine.
Dispatch Routine- A Dispatch routine is actually used to process an IRP based
upon driver entry routine. We have registered this routines in our driver entry routine with
certain MAJOR FUNCTION code.Every IRP with a major function code will point to a
certain dispatch routine. The dispatch routine processes the IRP and may pass it to the
lower driver. If not needed it may queue it for later processing.
irp actually contains the user request i.e it represents a request for e.g. it can be
a read/write request which has to be processed by the device driver. It is passed
to the driver which is on the top of stack . The irp is processed by this driver and after processing
to the driver which is on the top of stack . The irp is processed by this driver and after processing
it is passed to the lower driver.
![]() |
irp processed by driver layers |
There are two data structures to handle I/O requests: the I/O request packet itself and the IO_STACK_LOCATION structure.
![]() |
structure of i/o request packet |
Here in the above image you can see two types of fields : one with grey background
and other with white background. The grey background fields are the one which cannot be
and other with white background. The grey background fields are the one which cannot be
Accessed by us just like private members of the class while the fields with white
background are the one which can be accessed directly and can be modified by us
just like to public members.
background are the one which can be accessed directly and can be modified by us
just like to public members.
IRP data structure actually is called as IRP HEADER and contains . The header
of each IRP contains data that is used by each driver handling the IRP.
of each IRP contains data that is used by each driver handling the IRP.
- Buffers to read the input and write the output of the IRP.
- A memory area for the driver that currently owns the IRP.
- A routine, supplied by the driver that currently owns the IRP, which the operating system calls if the IRP is cancelled.
- The parameters for the current sub-request.
- In addition to the pointers, the IRP header contains other data that describes the nature and state of the request.
MdlAddress (PMDL) and UserBuffer (PVOID): fields are basically Buffers
to read the input and write the output of the IRP.
to read the input and write the output of the IRP.
Flags (ULONG) , IoStatus (IO_STATUS_BLOCK) , RequestorMode ,
PendingReturned (BOOLEAN) : contains other data that describes the
nature and state of the request.
PendingReturned (BOOLEAN) : contains other data that describes the
nature and state of the request.
AssociatedIrp (union): A memory area for the driver that currently owns the IRP.
Cancel (BOOLEAN) , CancelIrql (KIRQL) , CancelRoutine (PDRIVER_CANCEL):
fields are actually used for a routine, supplied by the driver that currently owns the
IRP, which the operating system calls if the IRP is cancelled.
fields are actually used for a routine, supplied by the driver that currently owns the
IRP, which the operating system calls if the IRP is cancelled.
Tail: field is actually the parameters for the current sub-request and is a union of
ail.overlay and tail.apc and tail.completionkey and here it’s described in image.
ail.overlay and tail.apc and tail.completionkey and here it’s described in image.
![]() |
structure of union object |
Its having three parts
Tail.overlay: items at the same level as you read left to right are alternatives
within a union i.e in tail.overlay notice tail.overlay.devicequeueentry and
tail.overlay.drivercontext are at same level so they are alternatives of each other and
anyone of them can be used for same type of work.Tail.overlay.listentry is actually
used as a linking field for irp and is used in linking an irp to another as a linked list.
within a union i.e in tail.overlay notice tail.overlay.devicequeueentry and
tail.overlay.drivercontext are at same level so they are alternatives of each other and
anyone of them can be used for same type of work.Tail.overlay.listentry is actually
used as a linking field for irp and is used in linking an irp to another as a linked list.
With every irp there is always an associated array of IO_STACK_LOCATION
structures.This structure actually consists of one stack location for each driver as
it will be processed downwards.This stack location actually consists of type
codes(i.e to know which type of request is the IRP for eg as read/write and these
are called major requests or minor requests) and parameter information for the IRP
as well as the address of a completion routine.
structures.This structure actually consists of one stack location for each driver as
it will be processed downwards.This stack location actually consists of type
codes(i.e to know which type of request is the IRP for eg as read/write and these
are called major requests or minor requests) and parameter information for the IRP
as well as the address of a completion routine.
Here the image describes I/O stack and its relation with drivers.
![]() | |
relation between driver and i/o stack location |
I/O stack location data structure.
As IRP data structure comes in IRP header part I/O data structure
comes in IRP parmeters section.
comes in IRP parmeters section.
The IO_STACK_LOCATION structure includes the following:
- The major and minor function codes for the IRP.
- Arguments specific to these codes.
- A pointer to the device object for the corresponding driver.
- A pointer to an IoCompletion routine if the driver has set one.
- A pointer to the file object associated with the request.
- Various flags and context areas.
MajorFunction (UCHAR): actually is in I/O stack and is used to identify what type
of request is it for e.g. whether it’s a read request by using IRP_MJ_READ.code and
using this code a paticular dispatch routine is called which has registered itself in driver
object using init routine and MinorFunction (UCHAR) is actually used to further elaborate
your major request i.e. suppose if IRP_MJ_PNP is major request then it can be again
elaborated whether it’s a type of start device request or remove device request using IRP_MN_START_DEVICE, IRP_MN_REMOVE_DEVICE as minor function codes.
Parameters field: Arguments specific to these codes
Device object: pointer to the device object for the corresponding driver.
CompletionRoutine : pointer to an IoCompletion routine if the driver has set one.
File object: pointer to the file object associated with the request.
The standard model for IRP processing:
![]() | |
irp processing by routines |
IRP is first created by I/O manager and after it a particular dispatch routine is called
to process it depending on the major function code of the IRP that have been registered
with this routine in driver object. IRP in dispatch routine depending on whether the driver
is busy or not is forwarded to startio routine of driver where it is processed by a particular
ISR(INTERRUPT SERVICE ROUTINE) depending on the type of interrupt occurred
whereupon a particular DPC routine is called for finishing its completion and removing the
another waiting IRP from the queue and forwarding to startio routine until the queue ie empty.
to process it depending on the major function code of the IRP that have been registered
with this routine in driver object. IRP in dispatch routine depending on whether the driver
is busy or not is forwarded to startio routine of driver where it is processed by a particular
ISR(INTERRUPT SERVICE ROUTINE) depending on the type of interrupt occurred
whereupon a particular DPC routine is called for finishing its completion and removing the
another waiting IRP from the queue and forwarding to startio routine until the queue ie empty.
Creating an IRP:
We can actually use these four routines to create a IRP:
· IoBuildAsynchronousFsdRequest builds an IRP on whose completion you don’t
plan to wait. This function and the next are appropriate for building only certain types of IRP.
plan to wait. This function and the next are appropriate for building only certain types of IRP.
· IoBuildSynchronousFsdRequest builds an IRP on whose completion you do plan to wait.
· IoBuildDeviceIoControlRequest builds a synchronous IRP_MJ_DEVICE_CONTROL or IRP_MJ_INTERNAL_DEVICE_CONTROL request.
· IoAllocateIrp builds an asynchronous IRP of any type
Synchronous IRP: Its actually a IRP which depends on the thread in which it is created i.e.
if the thread in which it is created terminates all the synchronous IRP will automatically will be cancelled.
if the thread in which it is created terminates all the synchronous IRP will automatically will be cancelled.
Support Function
Types of IRP You Can Create
Asynchronous IRP: Its actually an IRP which does not depends on the thread in which it is
created i.e. the thread termination does not leads to IRP cancellation and the IRP has its
completion routine to complete it rather than synchronous IRP whose completion depends
on completion routine of thread.
created i.e. the thread termination does not leads to IRP cancellation and the IRP has its
completion routine to complete it rather than synchronous IRP whose completion depends
on completion routine of thread.